Sunday, November 13, 2016

Twin Cities Suburban Wildlife

Beautiful weather again this weekend. Found some of the usual suspects.


Trumpeter Swans

Northern Flicker (like a woodpecker)


Great Blue Heron in the leaves

Two Hairy Woodpeckers

Downy Woodpecker - showing both sides of his head

Canada Goose

Hooded Mersangers


Sunday, November 6, 2016


Yet another beautiful sunny Sunday, reaching 70F (21C). Walked by the Minnesota River and in Hyland Park and saw some now familiar wildlife.

Downy Woodpecker in the rising sun

Coypu swimming through the mist

Blue Jay

Dirty Mallard

Red-tailed Hawk a long way away

Still plenty of Canada Geese around - diving for food

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Wood Lake Nature Center (2)

Another beautiful morning. "Catch" of the day: these Pelicans migrating through Minnesota on their way south.

A Chickadee

Blue-winged Teal


Red-bellied Woodpecker

Great Blue Heron

Hooded Mersanger

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge (3)

Deer in the early morning mist

Red-tailed Hawk, also through the mist unfortunately


Great Blue Herons

American Robin

Trumpeter Swans


...bored of posing

Canada Geese flight training

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Asunción, Paraguay

Quick visit from São Paulo to Asunción, capital of Paraguay under beautiful Spring skies and 32-33C. Most of these photos were taken on Sunday but even on Saturday it was very quiet!


Plaza Uruguaya

Cabildo - former centre of government

Panteón de los Héroes - closed for restoration unfortunately

Old railway station

Casa de la Independencia - where independence was declared

Protected by SAP...

Thought it was supposed to be Spring here?