Sunday, October 29, 2017

Wittenham Clumps

A walk up Wittenham Clumps in Oxfordshire - 120m above sea level - and visible behind these cows

St Peter's Little Wittenham


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (2)

Return here to see the Sandhill Cranes fly off early in the morning.

Also saw some Eastern Bluebirds

And this Dark-eyed Junco

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge

Northwest of the Twin Cities near Zimmerman Minnesota, for a beautiful fall day. Sunrise:

These are Sandhill Cranes that pass through here at this time of year - unfortunately didn't get any good photos.


Great Blue Heron

Fall foliage

A pair of Bald Eagles outside their nest (a long way from the road)

American White Pelicans

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pantanal Day 4

Last (half) day in the Pantanal and revisited the Jabiru stork nest. Here one of the chicks is eating a small fish in the shade of mother's wing.

For this bigger eel, the adult (this time the male) has to pre-digest it and regurgitate for the chicks.

Capivara munching on vegetation


Purple trumpet tree



Monday, August 7, 2017

Pantanal Day 3

Today was all about jaguars, and I was not disappointed.
Departure at 4:30am for a 2 1/4 hour drive to the end of the Transpantaneira highway.

Sunrise over the Pantanal

Porto Joffre at the end of the road, and transfer to a small boat on the River Cuiaba

8am - the first jaguar!

Then several others (I lost count)

The yawn

Jaguar dragging a caiman out of the river

I didn't totally neglect the birds.

Black vultures

Buff-necked ibis

Also saw some river otters near their den, and one waiting for us on the landing stage in Porto Joffre

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Pantanal Day 2

Second day in the Pantanal region in the west of Brazil with more great wildlife

Jubira stork landing on its nest

Taking care of the chicks


Monk parakeets

Hyacinth macaw

Rufous hornero

Black-capped night heron

Great potoo well-camouflaged as a branch

Black-collared hawk


Rufescent tiger heron

Ringed kingfisher

Vermillion flycatcher

Orange-backed troupial

Roufus-tailed jacamar

Capivaras eating the grass at the lodge - largest rodent in the world

Crab-eating fox